Friday, March 4, 2011

The BAU Team talks to Emily in their different ways (and one who has not done so yet)

We've seen our share of "something's up" looks from our BAU team when it comes to their Emily.

Let's start with Rossi.

ROSSI: You're okay?
EMILY: (sighs) People text like it is not as intrusive as a
phone call.
ROSSI: You know, you haven't had a vacation for a while.
Weren't you talking about Italy?
EMILY: My mother extended her trip there. Wouldn't be
much of a vacation.
ROSSI: It's a big country.
EMILY: Not big enough.
ROSSI: Well, think about it.
EMILY: I will.
ROSSI: And think of a place where that thing won't work.
EMILY: (laughs) Yeah.

Pretty laid-back, very much like advice from an acquaintance. It seems as if he is maintaining some distance from her so as to not intrude too much into her personal space. He knows she's stressed, but he only gives a casual suggestion on how to deal with it. Rossi probably knows very well something is troubling her greatly, but he is preferring to watch her closely and raise his eyebrow for the moment.

Garcia and Morgan, on the other hand, were more of the 'in your face' type. They spot something's off about Emily, and off they go in hot pursuit of the truth. Typically, both gets initially rebuffed by Emily. Garcia finds this out when she is being her usual nosy self.

GARCIA: Hey, what's his name?
EMILY: I'm sorry?
GARCIA: Oh, answer a question with a question. That's
EMILY: Stop it.
GARCIA: Stop what? Probing?
EMILY: Seriously.
GARCIA: I'm gonna make it my life's work to find who's this
boy is and -
EMILY: Stop. Just stop. We've enough to worry about already,
don't we?
Quite honestly, Garcia, not everyone comes in late because of a love life. I think however, that Emily's reaction clued Garcia in to the fact that something more drastic and serious is bothering the former. Thus, Garcia goes with Intervention 2.0.

GARCIA: Are you okay?
EMILY: Oh. Yeah, I'm good.
GARCIA: I'm not a profiler, but you don't -
EMILY: Don't start. (pauses) I'm sorry. I'm - I'm going to be
GARCIA: Okay. Just really worried about you. The flu's been
going around. (hesitates) Are you pregs?
EMILY: No. No. I'm...just...not sleeping. I've been having this
nightmare. It's a recurring nightmare. There's a hill and this
little girl on top of the hill. She's like, six years old, dark hair.
And she's just dancing in the sun.
But somehow, I know she's waiting for me, so I start to walk
up the hill. But the hill gets steeper and steeper and by the time
I climb to the top, the little girl's gone.
And I look everywhere for her, and when I can't find her, I start
to panic. And I panic because I know what is out there
waiting for her. I know what the world can do to a girl that only
sees beauty in it.
Like you. Somehow, you always make me smile. And I don't
think I have ever thanked you for that.

That's her way of saying goodbye to Garcia. Will Garcia suspect it, from Emily's tone and words? Garcia's jumping to conclusions "Are you pregs?" was priceless (with Emily's sudden snappiness and snarkiness in this episode, you would have believe it was the hormones responsible.) Is there a significance however, of her 'nightmare' or it is merely a story she made up on a fly to placate an anxious Garcia?

Morgan already notices something was amiss about dear Prentiss in Sense Memory. When he voices his concern, Emily brushes him off just as quickly as she does with Garcia.

MORGAN: Prentiss. What's going on with you?
EMILY: With me?
MORGAN: I've been watching you the past couple of days.
Something's obviously been bothering you.
EMILY: Derek, because I like you, I'm going to ask you not to
do this. Please.

Like Garcia, Morgan gives it another shot with Intervention 2.0 in Valhalla.

MORGAN: You know, Emily, you really need to trust people.
EMILY: I trust people.
MORGAN: No you don;t. You don't because you can't. And I
get it. Every time you try to count on someone, they let you
down, so you go it alone. You'll never admit that, because
you're just to damn stubborn. It's alright, it doesn't really
matter. But I tell you what does matter: that you can trust me
Emily. With anything, I'm serious. No matter how awful you
think it is, you're not alone. I just wish you believe that.
EMILY: I do. (pauses) You profile me again, you wish you
(Both laughs.)

Morgan, being Morgan, jumps straight to the point. It may seem hypocritical of him to tell off Emily about her trust issues - Profiler, Profiled anyone? On hindsight, perhaps Morgan understands why it is so difficult to trust people in general - replace all the 'you's in his dialogue with 'I's, and you get a self-admission of his own trust issues. While asking her to trust him sounds a little rich coming from Morgan himself, it does show the degree of Morgan's sense of acceptance towards Emily to the extent he believes he can admit being able (and willing) to handle whatever burden she is shouldering.

And Reid.

EMILY: I'm sorry.
REID: (smiles) I thought you were in there.
EMILY: Are you okay?
REID: Yeah. I'm...fine. I'm sure these victims overlap. Now
Garcia pulled their phone numbers, but so far, I can't find
EMILY: You just jumped.
REID: (hesitates) I'm having these really intense headaches
EMILY: Have you seen a doctor?
REID: Yeah, a few. None of them were able to figure it out.
EMILY: Oh. I'm sorry. Does anyone know?
REID: You.EMILY: (pauses) I won't tell anyone.
REID: I know. They'll just worry - not that you are not going
to worry - but they'll just make me feel like a baby, you know?
EMILY: I do.
REID: How about you?
EMILY: I'm good.
REID: You've been picking your fingernails again.
EMILY: Yeah.
REID: You only do that when you're stressed.
EMILY: It's just a bad habit.
While Morgan and Garcia probes and confronts Emily directly, Reid does it more subtly and self-effacingly. His way of reaching out to Emily doesn't feel as forced or forceful than Morgan's or Garcia's. It is likely Reid chooses to disclose about his headaches to her just to hint to Emily that she can trust him with her secret in return. I feel that a parallel between Reid and Emily was being played on during this scene, in the sense that they are both individuals with secrets they feel are likely to make them being perceived wrongly by the rest. The sensitivity Reid displays here seems to get through to Emily deeply (at the very least, her interaction with him feels a little more genuine and less guarded - those puppy eyes and stunning smile of his probably helped a lot.) Does Reid suspects more of Emily's underlying dilemma than he's letting on? He was the only one shown so far, aside from Morgan, to notice something was amiss about Emily's behavior in Sense Memory and Today I Do. The fact that he unintentionally overheard Emily's undercover  name will very likely play an important role in the upcoming episode.

So where's Hotch in all of this?

Only one line of "Are you okay?" does not suffice.
But the fact Hotch notices...maybe he knows.

Is it odd that no indication was given if Hotch suspected anything was amiss about Emily, or if he tried to talk to her about it. Is he distracted by Jack or just more focused on the case before him for the time being? Maybe, his awesomeness is reserved for the next episode. "If anything happens to her, I'll destroy you." Whoopie-whoop. Go save the lady, G-man.

My name is Aaron Hotchner. You hurt my agent. Prepare to die.

P/S: Ashley Seaver cannot be counted in due to her limited interaction with Emily Prentiss and newcomer status on the team. Although it would have been interesting to see the entire situation from a newbie's perspective. 

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