Friday, March 18, 2011

Emily being 'Mama' to Declan was actually quite...adorable.
Hotch knows. There's that stare.
He always knows.
She's thinking, "I can't believe I have to do this to him. I'm sorry."
Beautiful angle on JJ/AJ Cook.
"Look at the fingernails."
Reid, your observation skills on Emily's fingernails is approaching
creepy levels.
"Let me dig out your pulling your measly ear off."
At least, that looks like what Rossi was about to do.
Why do I think of 'marriage vow' when I see Rossi grab
Seaver's hand?
Almost like she is saying,
"God, Rossi! Get out of my face! You're adding spittle all over it! Isn't
blood enough?"
Loved it took Rossi like a few seconds before his old limbs
could move and he makes Seaver "Duck down!"
Very nice blowback spatter effect.
"Hey, hey! What's with the sexy cop, bad cop routine, huh?"
*sniff sniff* "Hoodrat."
Yes, we already know MGG's talent: he can smell a racist.
When Liam said, "The girl first...."
I wondered how many people jumped up and said "YES!" 
For a loudmouth expendable character, he sure needed two
shots to fall. Interesting to see the back-spatter from the
entering bullet here. Good detail.

0 ghosts moan 'hhelloooo':

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