Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Jab me in the neck, and all your problems will go away, okay?" 
Have to admit, my heart skipped a beat the first time I watched it. Was a little distracted during this scene until I heard Reid went "The only way we can help to take that knife and stab me in the neck with it."

I was like:

And when Ben says "Okay..."

Oh noes, Reid!

Second time, LOL. Especially when Ben looked all confused and said "Are you sure that will work?" before Reid answered "Oh, I'm absolutely sure, Ben." MGG probably had a field day doing this scene.
On second thought, it looks as if Reid's doing some sort of sinister advertisement with those maniacal three at the back.

But seriously, it was one very tense moment. Especially when Reid didn't seem prepared when Ben lunged at him.

0 ghosts moan 'hhelloooo':

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