A post on the Aspergers/Autism hypothesis on Reid:
Reid & ASD
A rebuttal to that theory:
Countering the Asperger/Autism hypothesis about Reid
Unfortunately, I do not have much experience with ASD to take a stand here. It is very likely though, the writers modeled some of Reid's behavior off historical genius figures who might likely had possessed quirks that could be attributed to Aspergers or autism.
Have done some reading on it - while some of the behavior fits, other aspects may have alternate reasonable explanations (as duly pointed out by szejo.) On the other hand, Aspergers is often categorised as a 'spectrum disorder'; not all of the characteristics of the syndrome are the same from individual to individual, and many display symptoms from aspects of the autistic spectrum.
It is just as likely though, the writers are sitting on the fence with this. Let the fans speculate.
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