Thursday, March 17, 2011

Initial Reaction on 6.18 'Lauren'

Over in all, awesome acting from Paget, brilliant directing from Matthew (loved his transition shots!) and wonderful performances from the rest of the cast and crew.

The story's okay, although with some holes and unexplained bits. I'll let most of it slide, because I did enjoy it. I wouldn't say it tops '100' or 'Revelations', but it is adequate, for Prentiss's swan song.

Brilliant music in this episode, a trend I've been noticing since 'Coda' and 'Valhalla'. I loved the way the sad cello tune stopped just as the bird-eye's view shot of the BAU team around the coffin came in, before the tempo eased into the slightly hopeful, still a little sombre and anticipatory tune of Emily still alive in France.

0 ghosts moan 'hhelloooo':

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