Thursday, March 31, 2011

you know you’ve made it when you google yourself on the internet and this comes up
you know you’ve made it when you google yourself on the internet and this comes up

I highly suspect he did this himself. Googling "matthew gray gubler pinup" doesn't come close to this.
Why would he google this in the first place, anyway?

EDIT: Finally, found the original source of the picture: This tumblr's full of funny awesome. It's, ahem, an interesting perspective!
"I've only read five books last week." ~ Reid, 6.19 With Friends Like These

Now, that is a major cause for concern.
Was quite freaked out by Reid making motions of literally 'stabbing' himself', considering he hasn't done it before. Added to that, he looks almost unaware he's doing it!

What does Freud has to say about it - about the unconscious?

He couldn't even look up, when it comes to saying just that one word. 
"Jab me in the neck, and all your problems will go away, okay?" 
Have to admit, my heart skipped a beat the first time I watched it. Was a little distracted during this scene until I heard Reid went "The only way we can help to take that knife and stab me in the neck with it."

I was like:

And when Ben says "Okay..."

Oh noes, Reid!

Second time, LOL. Especially when Ben looked all confused and said "Are you sure that will work?" before Reid answered "Oh, I'm absolutely sure, Ben." MGG probably had a field day doing this scene.
On second thought, it looks as if Reid's doing some sort of sinister advertisement with those maniacal three at the back.

But seriously, it was one very tense moment. Especially when Reid didn't seem prepared when Ben lunged at him.

MORGAN: Congratulations, gradua - ?
GARCIA: Kevin ate the 'T'. And the 'E'.
MORGAN: Penelope, you've got to stop staring at her. Prentiss
wouldn't want us to sulk, you know that.
PENELOPE: I'm not sulking. (pauses) I'm surrounded by 
testosterone now.
MORGAN: She would also want us to embrace Seaver.

Yes Garcia, how right you are. Now that JJ and Emily are gone. 
Morgan (and the showrunners) - I think I'll decide by myself on Seaver, okay? That comment is just so blatantly sneaky.
Actually knew within the first few minutes Ben's friends weren't real, considering the (lack of) reaction of from the soon-to-be victim towards the their comments.

Doesn't make them any less creepier though, especially the girl.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Initial Thoughts on 6.19 'With Friends Like These'

On the edge of my seat, especially towards the last few minutes.

Still no answers on Reid. It better not end here. What kind of bloody conclusion would that be?

This is one doozy creeptastic episode anyway.
This is probably old news for most CM fans, but it was certainly new to me:

Criminal Minds Video Game

Awesome! Can I like, make Morgan kick down doors and Hotch give the 'da boss' stare to the unsub? Would Reid rattle off some random cool fact every time I click on him?

(On second thought though, it looks a lot like those kid detective computer games I used to see back in the 90s.)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The last time they ever asked Dr. Reid to write on a board during a scene
"The last time they ever asked Dr.Reid to write on a board during a scene."
77. The moment a dog suddenly comes up to you and licks you for no apparent reason other than you minding your business

Monday, March 28, 2011

76. Rocking chairs
75. Excitedly scribbling favorite quotes on the desk

Had Plato, Einstein, Tesla, Oscar Wilde, Nietzsche, Picasso, uhh...Calvin and Hobbes, as well as poems from Edgar Allan Poe and Roald Dahl all over my tabletop.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I believe, in my own biased judgement, that this song should have won the Oscar instead.
Perhaps, since A.R Rahman had already won once, the Academy Award panel thought someone else should get the chance.

The first song is the award-winning version of "Falling Slowly" from the movie "Once" performed by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova. The second is the another version by The Frames, a band founded by Glen Hansard. Enjoy.
Superb. Whacked the flu bug off, felt a 100x better than before, and warm sun greeting me through my window.

Still have a cough, but yeah, at least I could walk and jump and dance myself silly.
74. The one time you convinced your friend you were a psychic because you correctly guessed on Mastermind on the first try three times in a row
73. The moments where you can sit in silence for awhile, without a someone beside you expecting a conversation 

there's only one thing more annoying then referring to yourself in the third person...

How did he managed to convince them to slip that in? Oh hey, this kind of reminds me of one other time where...

That classic chair! I do think the more annoying thing is someone getting your name wrong actually.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

72. Diving into a pile of fresh, warm laundry

...of course, I get hideously scolded for it afterwards. But god damn it, sometimes it's worth it!

How strangely appropriate for these three. The one thing that Hotch, Reid and Emily (especially post-Lauren) have in common.

Friday, March 25, 2011

71. Long, quiet train rides

Thursday, March 24, 2011

When trimming your own hair = butchering your own hair.

Midway, wielding the scissors like Texas Barber Massacre.

You can tell it is a drastic haircut when someone you know goes "You CUT your HAIR!"

Just realized one side of my head looks like Sid Vicious, the other Abraham Lincoln-sans-beard. The back of my skull...I dunno. An unkempt lawn trodden on by 20 Rottweilers maybe?

On a bright note, at least I didn't cut off my arm or leg. Those would be rather hard to grow back.
Today's Harry Houdini's birthday! Or if going by his original name, Erik Weisz.

Magician extraordinaire, escapologist wonder, expert ghostbuster, aviator, supernatural debunker, actor and film producer.

A great footage of Houdini at his best antics.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Schizophrenia? I'm sensing some Reid-related storyline here. :3

It's been quite some time since schizophrenia was in any episode since Season One's Derailed and A Real Rain. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Coincidentally, you share the same birthdate with Andrew Lloyd Webber.
He is well-known for composing songs like the Oscar-winning You Must Love Me and Don't Cry for Me, Argentina (Evita), The Music of the Night (The Phantom of the Opera) and Memory (Cats).

Another person born on the same day (but not year) is American poet and former US Poet Laureate Billy Collins. I love this particular poem of his, and hope to share it with you.

"I went to Japan recently because the show does pretty well.  I got off the plane, and had just flown 12 hours and had heard that there might be some people at the airport—some fans—and I got out, and I felt so stupid because I saw a sea of rabid fans and I was like, ‘oh, I’m such a fool, assuming they are for me,’ and you know, I’m so out of it and I just realized Justin Bieber is probably on the plane behind me coming in from LA and then I slowly realized they were all fans of the show.  I had never seen so many. . it’s something about Japan’s culture maybe that when they get into something, they get into it in a very big way.  I’m not even exaggerating.  There were about 300 or 400 of the nicest, most polite, screaming Japanese fans.  It was a surreal moment.  It was so funny because that’s so not a typical America reaction.  They painted me dinosaur drawings that I had done and threw me socks and I felt like I was in an alternate universe.  It’s interesting, because someone explained to me that in Japan they are huge fans of effeminate, non-threatening white males in Japan, for whatever reason, are very well-loved, and the character I play is like the Elvis Presley of Japan."

~ Matthew Gray Gubler on his trip to Japan to promote Criminal Minds.

70. When a good friend points out something so profoundly important about a problem you'd been mulling over for days, you realised you were a blind idgit and thank her profusely for the obvious
69. Minestrone soup. Even dear old Leonardo da Vinci recommends it!
Vangsness: He is wearing @GUBLERNATION sweater. I totally had them freaky Friday for me.

He is wearing @GUBLERNATION sweater. I totally had them freaky Friday for me.

Shemar kind of reminds me of Ninja Turtles.

Matthew Gray Gubler attends Rolling Stone’s awards weekend bash at Drai’s Hollywood on February 26, 2011.
ジャポン: 私たちの思いと祈りは、皆さんとされ
It is the same sweater!
Reblogged from
It's raining cats, dogs, buckets and boulders...but guess what? I'm getting drenched and it's the best day of the week so far.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Something that cropped up during Psychology class, on the topic of compliance techniques. In particular, the method of 'lowballing' - getting someone to commit to some action and increasing the 'cost' before he or she can perform the behavior. The technique works because one thinks it is easier to rationalize the additional costs or feels obligated or pressured to see it through once the commitment is made. It is the exact same principle used nefariously in 'advance fee' frauds like the Nigerian Scam, or innocuously by some car dealers or in this case, in cheap flights for sale! 

You would most certainly agree, that this is mostly fecking true. And bloody hilarious.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The music for the ending of 'Lauren'.
68. Using book stitching while everyone else is using those breakable, bendable darn plastic ring binders

Terribly old-school. Even teachers know instantly which the heck is mine!
Since it is usually the one book that is still intact after 6 months at the bottom of the pile of the storage drawer.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

67. Pulling out four Jenga blocks simultaneously and...and...hey! It still stands!
66. Playing 'hide-or-snap' with a very determined friend who has a camera with a 100 features

Friday, March 18, 2011


Edible crayons. Courtesy of Luxirare.

Contains three common ingredients: chocolate-covered sunflower seeds, fruity pebbles based on color and melted marshmallow.
Each crayon has their own unique medley of food bits, where flavor is based upon color.

Food coloring added to enhance color.
luxirare edible crayons photo drawing
And they work!
Yesyesyes, want one!
I love playing with my food.

They better tell who gets Sergio.
Poor kitty could be stuck in some hotel room, meowing pitifully for food.

"Where Emily?"

This is actually one of my most favorite CM pictures.  :3
Trust Mandy Patinkin to be in-character.
Hey, Hotch? What's with your gun? 
Hotch and Reid's expression ---> OMG Badass LOL

Exact reason why I continued watching (500) Days of Summer. 
65. Anytime someone is patient enough to listen to you randomly share something you watched on a documentary, like the murderous mating habits of jumping spiders, with an excited rat-tat-tat-tat
64. Waking up one morning, looking into the mirror and finding out that your hair decided to go Elvis while you were sleeping
63. Making a song up along with the squeaky windshield wiper
62. Discovering that you managed to have an entire conversation about Japanese cuisines, bungee jumping, Finding Nemo, pet chickens, the remarkable intelligence of octopuses, pop-quiz mathematics, favorite TV shows and the science behind the color of defecation material all within the span of 45 minutes
61. When you accidentally smiled at someone and they just, awkwardly, smile back anyway
Wallpapers! Fullscreen • Widescreen
Criminal Minds wallpaper, courtesy of
Bloody. AWESOME! Especially those little pin-up pictures of dead, blood-splattered people.
And yay, coffee cups!
Did JJ just break the fourth wall?

Okay. That makes it even two times sadder than before.
Spencer crying for Emily. Matthew crying for Paget.

Emily's tombstone. It shows: F-B-I.
That's what the title 'FBI' carries for every single member of our beloved BAU.

Still trying to figure out what they are both saying.
JJ seems to saying "She made it." Or "It's for the best." Or "I want Sergio."
Hotch: "I know."
Emily being 'Mama' to Declan was actually quite...adorable.
Hotch knows. There's that stare.
He always knows.
She's thinking, "I can't believe I have to do this to him. I'm sorry."
Beautiful angle on JJ/AJ Cook.
"Look at the fingernails."
Reid, your observation skills on Emily's fingernails is approaching
creepy levels.
"Let me dig out your pulling your measly ear off."
At least, that looks like what Rossi was about to do.
Why do I think of 'marriage vow' when I see Rossi grab
Seaver's hand?
Almost like she is saying,
"God, Rossi! Get out of my face! You're adding spittle all over it! Isn't
blood enough?"
Loved it took Rossi like a few seconds before his old limbs
could move and he makes Seaver "Duck down!"
Very nice blowback spatter effect.
"Hey, hey! What's with the sexy cop, bad cop routine, huh?"
*sniff sniff* "Hoodrat."
Yes, we already know MGG's talent: he can smell a racist.
When Liam said, "The girl first...."
I wondered how many people jumped up and said "YES!" 
For a loudmouth expendable character, he sure needed two
shots to fall. Interesting to see the back-spatter from the
entering bullet here. Good detail.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Lauren Reynolds is dead. Lauren Reynolds is DEAD!"

Was I the only one who laughed when Reid literally shouted this aloud and Hotch went "What?" - probably thinking for a moment that Reid just lost his marbles.

Thankfully, Reid makes that immediate connection with his astute mind. He really does notices Emily's fingernails a lot, huh? His attention to that detail does raise the question of creepiness factor...

"I beat you, Doyle!" (laughs) "Before you even
came out of North Korea. I beat you!"
Oh yes, Emily. Choke that guy silly. Show him no one pushes Prentiss into walls and cupboards after Minimal Loss and gets away with it.

On the other hand, Emily, technically you haven't won. You just told Doyle his son still's alive, and now Doyle's got away and out looking for Declan. There's no definite victory in that yet.
Now that the excitement from watching 'Lauren' has died down...

As exciting this Prentiss arc is, it does feel out of place in the show as a whole. The plot seems quite disjointed from the standard fare and, I admit, quite implausible at times. After 'Lauren' was done and over, I wondered to myself if I had just watched an episode of 'Criminal Minds' or a 44-minute version of 'Mission Impossible'.

At the same time, I am just left with this slightly hollow feeling that maybe I don't know much that is true about Emily's character at all. Which were the times was she only acting? Which were the moments was she genuinely herself? I do think that Demonology, and perhaps Minimal Loss were probably the only times that we saw glimpses of her true character.

Granted, she didn't get as much focus as Hotch or Reid does for the past seasons. But I had this perception of her as this secretly geeky, slightly awkward, sometimes overcompensating, hating politics and lies, kid-loving, intelligent, snarky sense of humour, strong, independent, and occasionally vulnerable women (sorry the extensive adjectives). Added to the fact that she is like Reid's big sister or young mother, sometimes like Rossi's adult daughter, Morgan's partner, Garcia and JJ's friend, and Hotch has come to respect her.

I'm trying to consolidate this with that of 'Lauren super-spy with secret life'. The characterization revealed of Emily throughout 'Sense Memory', 'Coda', 'Valhalla' and 'Lauren' is quite jarring. Although the writers didn't flesh out her character much in the past, I do agree this storyline doesn't actually give her much justice. Why all the guns blazing, spies running and secrets unraveling for a character's exit episode? The whole convoluted terrorist-spy-revenge-vendetta-undercover-big guns situation is quite unrealistic really...but hey, you could handwave off as 'just television' right? Right?

Maybe I'm just a little upset, and overanalyzing everything. Plus, with the high possibility of this storyline only shoved in this season.

I just wish that maybe, Emily's exit was done differently and more plausibly.

But what saved this episode and made it so heartrendingly awesome was the acting and the directing. It made me believe the emotions being portrayed on the screen, made the team's desire to save Emily so urgent and their subsequent loss of her so painful. On a much fairer note, the writing do have some high points in terms of showing how the characters were human with weaknesses (in the case of Doyle and Emily). I give kudos to the writers portraying Doyle as a realistic, motivated villain who is still a broken man, and not just a ruthless monster. Brewster really gave her best in this episode, and I really do wish more depth had been given to her character Emily in the past, as we had seen so briefly in only a few episodes.

Missing Emily already, actually.

EDIT: Was rewatching Fear and Loathing the other day, where Emily discovers Morgan was a fellow Vonnegut fan and were discussing a line from 'Mother Night': "You are who you pretend to be careful who you pretend to be." Looking back, that line really fits into the entire context of Emily's situation.
Wait. They never explained how Doyle knew what the BAU were doing in 'Coda'. Or how Emily happened to have a submachine rifle and a flash grenade handy. Or who thought it was a wonderful idea to take a suspect to the rooftop to get sniped. Or who stuck their hand into the toilet bowl to get Emily's ring (I bet Rossi made Morgan do it.) Or the significance of Doyle's "Dr Reid".

Loose ends...loose ends...

More importantly...

What about Sergio?
In my opinion, I do think the last scene with JJ and Emily in Paris is unnecessary.

It would have been much more emotionally powerful had they ended it at the funeral scene. Leaving it ambiguous, with nothing more than Hotch's and JJ's furtive looks to clue us in. It would be maddening and sickeningly depressing, but it would have left a greater impact.

Oh well. I'm not going to continue to complain. They probably wanted it to end with a slightly positive (though bittersweet) note: Emily's alive and in one piece (can't say much about her fingernails though) and she's in Paris!

The way she said "Thank you." It was so quiet, small and distant. Almost like it belonged to someone else. Less like Emily's. It fits though. Lauren Reynolds is dead. Emily Prentiss is dead. She has a new identity now, to live on. To fight on.

Wonder if she's out there, hunting Doyle?

My heart aches, that's this would likely be the last time we see here - but yes, goodbye Emily.

Au revoir et bonne chance, Emily. Bien fait.
Their reactions. Fearing the worst.
For them, the worst happens.
Garcia saying "Nonono" while shaking her head.
She can't believe it.
"What happened to main character immunity to off-screen deaths?"
Reid can't believe it either.

On a more serious note:
That's the two saddest puppy faces I've ever seen.