Thursday, February 24, 2011

The BAU after work. Morgan and Garcia - what sort of genre is the movie? (Let's hope it's not naughty.) Hotch - aww. Rossi and Seaver - eh...why am I getting some sort of daddy-daughter vibe here? (Rossi, no Grand Theft Auto?) Reid - aww, he looks like a kid who got something nice for Christmas (I would be too!)

Now, Emily. Was it a good idea to wait all alone for a known cold-blooded murderer without any backup? I found it reckless of her to just sit there and expect Doyle to come to her unprepared. Well yes, she sounded very badass for the "gotta Glock aimed at your crotch" line, but it is only a bravado if the bad guy has it better planned than you, Emily.

Okay. How did Doyle know what each of the team were doing? Inside spies? Cameras? Undercover henchman?


Doubly suspicious!

Okay, I'm being paranoid.

0 ghosts moan 'hhelloooo':

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