Thursday, February 24, 2011

Some Favorite Scenes from Coda

Favorite scene from Coda. How wonderful is it that there's
no need for words to express this scene?
"Like my SOCKS!"
Loved the way his voice went absolutely high-pitched.
Sounded more like MGG than Reid though.
Finally. A nod to continuity.
Actually loved how focused Sammy was on Rossi's shoeprints.
Quite nice art, actually.
Spoken from experience, Joe Mantegna.
So...if this Rossi's secret or what?
Felt marginally sorry for the unsub of the week.
What he did was wrong, but he was a desperate man seeking to
regain what he lost.
When he said, "Your dream's over" to Sammy's mother, couldn't
help but feel he was referring to both of them.
This moment.
Considering Sammy, being autistic, rarely initiated touch.
In his own limited, awkward way Sammy tried to console his
Almost every scene that sheriff's in, his eyebrow's raised.
Must be a preclusion to his job as cop of the week.

0 ghosts moan 'hhelloooo':

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