Seaver: Is that the one where they fly around in the phone booth?
Reid: First of all, it's a police box. Not a phone booth. Second of all, Doctor Who started a quarter of a century before Bill and Ted even went on their bodacious adventures so really they should have just called it Bill and Ted's Excellent Rip-off. At least then they would've -
Seaver: I'm really sorry.
Reid: For what?
Seaver: Asking.
Morgan: The kid definitely likes to draw, but I can't quite figure out what it is he's drawing.
Hotch: It's a dog.
Morgan: How can you possibly know that that looks like a dog?
Hotch: I don't know. Maybe a dad knows.
Lizzie: I'm a stranger in my own brother's house. My nephew doesn't recognise me. And then I find this. Charlie told Sammy about me. I always assume he never knew who I was.
Rossi: Do you mind me asking what the fight was about?
Lizzie: I was the one who suspected Sammy had autism. Charlie couldn't see it. He was so upset, he kicked me out.
Rossi: How did you know?
Lizzie: (shrugs) He was...different. So I did some research. Charlie was blind to it. He refused to accept what I found.
Rossi: He was afraid. A father would be. Learning his child isn't gonna have easy as he did.
Lizzie: You sound like you talk from experience.
Reid: Anchors. Like my socks!
Thomas: I had it, Ellie. A dream. Not a big one. It was my dream. Put food on the table, have a family who love me.
Ellie: It was my dream.
Doyle: What's the expression? Keep your friends close, your enemies on surveillance?
Prentiss: I've got a Glock leveled at your crotch. What's to stop me from taking you and the little ones out, right now?
Doyle: Tell me. Does the lovely Penelope know the truth about you? Or she's too busy watching movies with Derek to care? Here you are, all alone, while Aaron sits at home with his son. And why didn't Dave and Ashley invite you to their game night? Maybe they thought you'll be on the metro with Dr. Reid. (smirks) Well, that one does have some quirks.