Monday, February 28, 2011

Not a fan of romantic comedies. Only relented to continue watching '500 Days of Summer' for three selfish reasons entirely for my own self-amusement.

1. The disclaimer in the beginning.

Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental...
Especially you, Jenny Beckman.

2. The opening line.
This is a story of boy meets girl, but you should know upfront, this is not a love story.  

3. Regina Spektor 'Us'.
Emily: Reid?
Reid: Emily, you are not going to believe this.
Emily: No?
Reid: They are showing 'Solaris' tonight; the original; in 
the theaters. You want to go?
Emily: Morgan put you up to this?
Reid: What?
Emily: Did Morgan tell you to call me?
Reid: Morgan has no idea what 'Solaris' is.
Emily: So, uh, you just called me out of the blue.
Reid: Well, really, the original one is in Russian. So you and I 
are the only ones that could really enjoy it.
Emily: Isn't 'Solaris' like four hours long?
Reid: It's five.The best sci-fi meditation film of all time. But for
some reason, they never really show it in the theaters. You 
want to go with me?
Emily: Sorry handsome. I'm gonna have to pass. Just going to
hang out with Sergio tonight.
Reid: Oh, shoot. I didn't realise that - 
Emily: Relax, Reid. Sergio is my new cat. But, um...Thank you.
Reid: For what?
Emily: For being you.
Reid: Aww, thanks, I don't know how to be anyone else.
Emily: Yeah. That's what I love about you. 
39. Sitting on the swing and feeling like flying and laughing in motion
38. The briefest moment when you're standing in the sunshine and it is so pleasantly warm
38. When your friends tell you it's alright to be a little weird since they like you better that way
37. Making dinosaur footprint sandwiches and eggies in the basket for the morning
Oh hey hey, there's two weeks to go before Valhalla. I think a recap of some previous episode in Season 6 will do fine with me.

One thing about Sense Memory was its homage to Perfume: Story of a Murderer. I've only watched the film and read the book in parts, but this CM episode seems like a bastardized, less gratuitous, 42-minute version of the 2006 movie.

Was really interested in the fragrance extraction technique of the unsub. I'm not well-versed in perfume-making, but I believe the technique the unsub is shown using is known as 'maceration'. The source of the fragrance is soaked in water or some solvent (methanol in his case). From what I can catch from his tape recording, he used nitric acid after rendering all fat through boiling: this method seems to partly match the water distillation extraction method. I have no idea why he is using nitric acid, perhaps to prevent the oils from becoming rancid (possibly diluted). Or, he is performing acid hydrolysis, to make soap. He also mentions using salt, possibly to purify oils. The 'doubling pot' he uses is often used by hobbyists making their own wax and soap, so perhaps his recording is a step-by-step method of making those woman-scented candles in his cabinet. The double boiler functions to prevent the melted fat from solidfying or scorching between long tasks.

Enfleurage was used in the Perfume novel and film. I wonder how effective it is on human skin.
36. Times when Google gives you the most inexplicable things possible

35. Grabbing the last tin of your favourite biscuits from the shelf

Sunday, February 27, 2011

35. When your puppy face works
34. Hanging around a departmental clothes shop for no other reason just because it was playing your favourite band or artist
33. The one time you totally figured out a trick question even the class geniuses didn't get
32. When a random stray cat in the park offers its head up for you to scratch its chin

Cats usually run away when I come.
They can smell an ailuromaniac anytime.
31. Rolling around on a furry carpet
30. Hearing the dad behind you reading aloud 'Rapunzel' to his daughter on a 7AM flight

Dad: ...Then, the old lady let go of Rapunzel's hair and the prince went "AAAAAAHHHHHH..." as he fell down and landed into the thorny bush -
Kid: There's no 'Aahh' written in the book here.
Dad: That's what people normally do when they are falling, dear.

(after story finishes)
Kid: So...what happened to the bad old lady who took away Rapunzel?
Dad: Uhh..what?
Kid: The book never said anything about what happened to her!
Dad: She...uhm...(frantically flips through the pages)...just got...lost in the woods.

(Truth to be told, I was wondering what happened to the old witch too.)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

29. Waving hello to a passing school bus of giggling kids

Friday, February 25, 2011

Curious about how accurate the portrayal of Sammy, the autistic child from Criminal Minds 'Coda'.

I recalled one thing from an article I read about autism (which was eons ago) about the autistic person's need for schedules and conformity in life. It also included a story detailing one such autistic boy who survived a cold night lost in the woods because he refused to fall asleep anywhere other than in his own bed.

From my own (limited!) experience, I find Sammy to be quite an honest portrayal. My first thought when I saw the promo was actually "Oh great, another musical autistic genius. Hasn't it been done to death already?" While Sammy is shown playing the piano, he only plays one song - repetitively. As Reid points out, Sammy goes to the store everyday at the same time, his parents switch on the same music, and he plays the same song over again and again. Sammy may not be a musical savant, but he is good at the piano because familiarity, ritual and repetition allows him to grasp the skill. Again, maybe it is more realistic to think that the showrunners do not wish to showcase Sammy's mad piano-playing skills in a 40-minute time-slot.

The aspect of Sammy having never hugged back his mother or initiating touch (which made the scene with Reid so awesome, by the way) was very nicely touched upon. There's a new scientific clue in terms of why autistic people possess this behavioral aspect: Science Daily: New Clue Why Autistic People Don't Want Hugs.
28. The smell of fresh bread wafting across a busy street
27. Fridge surprises!
26. Having to playact 'the monster bad guy' since your cousins want to save the day, and doing a damn fine job beating the heroes' asses
25. First time and second time bowling
24. Water balloon fights
23. Greetings with Eskimo kisses, hip bumps, Vulcan handwaves and movie one-liners.
22. When breaks mean extra time for doodles
21. Finding out that chocolate, chicken and curry can be a wondrous combination indeed 
20. The moment when you find a nice spot to curl up on the floor and doze off on a chilly day
19. When the school band plays two of your favourite songs
18. Saying "Hey hey!" instead of "Hi!"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

17. Getting to watch a long-anticipated episode on your favourite TV show
16. Listening to a song that makes you weep and laugh at the same time
15. Finding rainbows at unexpected places
14. Catching sunshine in your hand or on a photograph

Favourite Dialogue from '6:16 :Coda'

Seaver: Is that the one where they fly around in the phone booth?
Reid: First of all, it's a police box. Not a phone booth. Second of all, Doctor Who started a quarter of a century before Bill and Ted even went on their bodacious adventures so really they should have just called it Bill and Ted's Excellent Rip-off. At least then they would've -
Seaver: I'm really sorry.
Reid: For what? 
Seaver: Asking.

Morgan: The kid definitely likes to draw, but I can't quite figure out what it is he's drawing.
Hotch: It's a dog.
Morgan: How can you possibly know that that looks like a dog?
Hotch: I don't know. Maybe a dad knows.

Lizzie: I'm a stranger in my own brother's house. My nephew doesn't recognise me. And then I find this. Charlie told Sammy about me. I always assume he never knew who I was.
Rossi: Do you mind me asking what the fight was about?
Lizzie: I was the one who suspected Sammy had autism. Charlie couldn't see it. He was so upset, he kicked me out.
Rossi: How did you know?
Lizzie: (shrugs) He was...different. So I did some research. Charlie was blind to it. He refused to accept what I found.
Rossi: He was afraid. A father would be. Learning his child isn't gonna have easy as he did.
Lizzie: You sound like you talk from experience.

Reid: Anchors. Like my socks!

Thomas: I had it, Ellie. A dream. Not a big one. It was my dream. Put food on the table, have a family who love me.
Ellie: It was my dream.

Doyle: What's the expression? Keep your friends close, your enemies on surveillance?

Prentiss: I've got a Glock leveled at your crotch. What's to stop me from taking you and the little ones out, right now?

Doyle: Tell me. Does the lovely Penelope know the truth about you? Or she's too busy watching movies with Derek to care? Here you are, all alone, while Aaron sits at home with his son. And why didn't Dave and Ashley invite you to their game night? Maybe they thought you'll be on the metro with Dr. Reid. (smirks) Well, that one does have some quirks.

This is how Jack Hotchner weasels out of trouble from Daddy G-man.

Some Favorite Scenes from Coda

Favorite scene from Coda. How wonderful is it that there's
no need for words to express this scene?
"Like my SOCKS!"
Loved the way his voice went absolutely high-pitched.
Sounded more like MGG than Reid though.
Finally. A nod to continuity.
Actually loved how focused Sammy was on Rossi's shoeprints.
Quite nice art, actually.
Spoken from experience, Joe Mantegna.
So...if this Rossi's secret or what?
Felt marginally sorry for the unsub of the week.
What he did was wrong, but he was a desperate man seeking to
regain what he lost.
When he said, "Your dream's over" to Sammy's mother, couldn't
help but feel he was referring to both of them.
This moment.
Considering Sammy, being autistic, rarely initiated touch.
In his own limited, awkward way Sammy tried to console his
Almost every scene that sheriff's in, his eyebrow's raised.
Must be a preclusion to his job as cop of the week.
13. Whistling while you walk or wait
12. Biscuits soaking in milk

The BAU after work. Morgan and Garcia - what sort of genre is the movie? (Let's hope it's not naughty.) Hotch - aww. Rossi and Seaver - eh...why am I getting some sort of daddy-daughter vibe here? (Rossi, no Grand Theft Auto?) Reid - aww, he looks like a kid who got something nice for Christmas (I would be too!)

Now, Emily. Was it a good idea to wait all alone for a known cold-blooded murderer without any backup? I found it reckless of her to just sit there and expect Doyle to come to her unprepared. Well yes, she sounded very badass for the "gotta Glock aimed at your crotch" line, but it is only a bravado if the bad guy has it better planned than you, Emily.

Okay. How did Doyle know what each of the team were doing? Inside spies? Cameras? Undercover henchman?


Doubly suspicious!

Okay, I'm being paranoid.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

11. Back rubs, head rubs and feet rubs
10. When a favorite celebrity of yours shares the same quirk as you and isn't afraid of flaunting it. Automatic hero
9. Being excited over something as simple as a departmental store section for wiggly socks
8. Drawing imaginary monsters on your window
7. Giving a warm crushing hug to someone you love and haven't seen for the past two months.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

6. Dance-offs with your little sister although none of you have any idea what 'dance' is -  and finding it breathlessly funny
5. Laughing out loud while standing alone in the elevator for the next 6 floors
4. Waking up to a morning rain shower
3. Embarrassing baby pictures of self trying to be Superman in diapers

Thursday, February 17, 2011

2.  Smelling flowers and green, green grass instead of expensive cologne and shampoo