Thursday, April 21, 2011

A very interesting perspective on the female characters of Criminal Minds:

I did like Elle. In my opinion, her presence brought a certain amount of edginess to the intra-team dynamics in the first two seasons. Secretly wish one day Lola Glaudini decides to guest star, so that her old BAU team members would bump into her. While I do enjoy JJ and Emily as part of the BAU team, I admit at times I wished their characters have been allowed to expand and develop to reveal more interesting, but plausible (okay...maybe dramatic sometimes, if you want) facets to their personalities.

I agree that a number of fan reactions towards Seaver has been over-proportionally spiteful towards the character - every single episode she's been in, even with less than a minute of screentime, warranted a flood of Seaver-bashing rants. Some of the complaints towards her though are fair, usually in terms of her professional eligibility as a BAU profiler. A part of the problem with characterizations may have been the writing in the first place...but still, it's disturbing to see the negative extent of certain fan reactions. Kudos to the writer of this article.

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