Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Initial Thoughts on 6.22 'Out of the Light'

Good mix of scary, funny, heartwarming and intense moments.

Great piece of film editing in the beginning.

Jack and laughing Hotch is always awesome, awesome. Rossi pitching in to help is just as cool. (Wait, how did the two of them find time anyway to coach a soccer team?)

Underwater headshot - that's why Hotch's better than Spiderman and Superman. He's G-man. His bullets overwhelms the viscosity of water, the thickness of a windscreen pane and the density of bone and flesh of an unsub.

Interesting take on 'body profiling'. First time seeing it on the show.

Kind of suspected, but never really expected, that little twist at the end.

0 ghosts moan 'hhelloooo':

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