Tuesday, June 28, 2011

just got done filming a cameo as an irate health teacher
just got done filming a cameo as an irate health teacher
He sure looks the part!

CM Season 7 Spoilers

Based on the chat transcript with Erica Messer on June 25, here's what we should anticipate about Season 7 so far:

1) Emily will be present in the premiere. So is Sergio!
2) Strauss will also be in the premiere, and her secret will be hinted at.
3) JJ's back as a profiler, and her communication duties is delegated to the whole team.
4) Reid's arc will continue in Season 7, and Jane Lynch as Reid's mom will be involved once more in his storyline.
5) Apparently, more Hotch.
6) More focus on JJ's home life. So, we will be seeing Henry again, and AJ's son is still playing as him.
7) Seaver will not be seen in the premiere. There's a possible future storyline focusing on her father.
8) Kevin will appear again in Season 7.
9) Season 7 will focus more on the characters.
10) There will be 22 episodes, but could possibly be extended to 24 as well.
11) Possibly, more screentime for the BAU ladies.

Original Chat Transcript with Erica Messer

Sunday, June 26, 2011

maybe think twice before sitting in front of me at the movies
maybe think twice before sitting in front of me at the movies
Judging by his gleeful expression, maybe this was what REALLY happened to his long locks before the end of Season 5. And now...Mr Gubler, with maniacal delight, has finally taken his long-due revenge on the Dame Gothel serial hair-slasher!

What Happens If ... A Brown Recluse Spider-Man!

Source: www.harkavagrant.com

So...what if Peter Parker gets bitten by a black widow spider or a hobo spider?

Monday, June 20, 2011

a baguette has been kidnapped in Paris and Monsieur Renault inspects the scene of the crime
a baguette has been kidnapped in Paris and Monsieur Renault inspects the scene of the crime
Wait till Inspector Clouseau joins in the fray!
How about a book: The Casebook of Monsieur Renault, the Tartan Coated Detective: The Adventure of the Plundered Baguette!
i have a french alter ego named “Monsieur Renault” and this is a photo of him yelling on a pink flip phone
i have a french alter ego named “Monsieur Renault” and this is a photo of him yelling on a pink flip phone

"Oรน la baise est mon panier de fromage!"

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hover mouse over for a surprise.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

the violin man who offered to sell me a taco
the violin man who offered to sell me a taco

Pins and needles, with tacos and fiddles.
The definition of 'taco surprise' and 'meaty advertising'.
Wow, this shit better be real. Drug-dealing violinist?
Wonderful Sunday morning.